
Below is a list of some of the most influential conferences in sustainability which includes specialized events in energy efficiency, the built environment, water, solar, utilities, and related fields.  Many of these organizations host multiple conferences and events throughout the year in different locations so if you see a conference that looks good, be sure to check out the host organization’s website for additional events, training, and networking opportunities.

CategoryEvent TitleHost OrganizationPast LocationTypical Month
Agriculture, Biodiversity & NatureBloomTrellis (GreenBiz) - learn more about the Trellis Emerging Leaders program hereVariesOctober
Agriculture, Biodiversity & NatureRegenerative Agriculture Summit North AmericaKisaco ResearchVariesMarch
Agriculture, Biodiversity & NatureSustainable Agriculture SummitSustainable Ag SummitVariesNovember
Circular EconomyBuild Reuse Decon & Reuse ConferenceBuild ReuseVariesSeptember
Circular EconomyCircularityTrellis (GreenBiz) - learn more about the Trellis Emerging Leaders program hereVariesApril
Circular EconomyREMADE Circular Economy Tech Summit and ConferenceREMADE InstituteWashington DCApril
Circular EconomyResource Recycling ConferenceNational Recycling CoalitionVariesNovember
Circular EconomyWorld Circular Economy Forum (WCEF)Finnish Innovation FundBrusselsApril
City & RegionalClimate Week NYCClimate GroupNew YorkSeptember
City & RegionalDC Climate WeekDC Climate WeekWashington DCApril
City & RegionalLA Climate WeekThe Collidescope FoundationLos AngelesSeptember
City & RegionalMidwest Climate SummitWashington UniversityMadisonApril
City & RegionalPacific Northwest (PNW) Climate WeekPNW Climate WeekSeattleJuly
City & RegionalSF Climate WeekClimatebaseSan FranciscoApril
City & RegionalHouston Energy and Climate WeekAllies in EnergyHoustonSeptember
EducationAssociation for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) Annual ConferenceAssociation for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)VariesOctober
Energy, Buildings & TechAmerican Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Decarbonization ConferenceASHRAEVariesOctober
Energy, Buildings & TechAmerican Solar Energy Society (ASES) ConferenceAmerican Solar Energy Society (ASES)BoulderAugust
Energy, Buildings & TechBuilding Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) InternationalBuilding Owners and Managers Association (BOMA)VariesJuly
Energy, Buildings & TechCarnegie Mellon University (CMU) Energy WeekCarnegie Mellon UniversityPittsburghMarch
Energy, Buildings & TechChicago Climate-Tech WeekTechChicagoChicagoSeptember
Energy, Buildings & TechCitiesAliveGreen Roofs for Healthy Cities, Green Infrastructure FoundationVariesNovember
Energy, Buildings & TechCLEANPOWERAmerican Clean Power - learn more about the WRISE Wind Power Fellowship hereVariesMay
Energy, Buildings & TechCleantech Open Global ForumCleantech OpenSan JoseOctober
Energy, Buildings & TechCo_Invest ClimateClean Energy TrustChicago, ILSeptember
Energy, Buildings & TechColumbia Global Energy SummitColumbia UniversityNew YorkApril
Energy, Buildings & TechDISTRIBUTECH InternationalDISTRIBUTECH InternationalVariesFebruary
Energy, Buildings & TechScaling Deep Tech for a Decarbonized FutureDEEP TECH CANADACanadaOctober
Energy, Buildings & TechElectrificationElectric Power Research Institute (EPRI)VariesMarch
Energy, Buildings & TechEnergy Efficiency as a ResourceThe American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE)DenverOctober
Energy, Buildings & TechEnergy Efficiency Policy ForumThe American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE)Washington DCDecember
Energy, Buildings & TechGreenbuildU.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)VariesNovember
Energy, Buildings & TechCalifornia Green Building ConferenceU.S. Green Building Council California (USGBC-CA)San FranciscoMay
Energy, Buildings & TechIndustrial Decarbonization North AmericaReutersVariesOctober
Energy, Buildings & TechIndustrial Decarbonisation EuropeReutersVariesApril
Energy, Buildings & TechGlobal Energy TransitionReutersNew YorkJune
Energy, Buildings & TechSMR & Advanced ReactorReutersVariesMay
Energy, Buildings & TechInnovations in Climate ResilienceBattelle Memorial InstituteWashington DCApril
Energy, Buildings & TechIntersolar & Energy Storage North AmericaDiversified CommunicationsVariesFebruary
Energy, Buildings & TechNational Clean Energy WeekNational Clean Energy WeekWashington DCSeptember
Energy, Buildings & TechNational Renewal Energy Lab (NREL) Industry Growth Forum and ConferenceU.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory Innovation and Entrepreneurship CenterDenverMarch
Energy, Buildings & TechNortheast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA) Building Energy BostonNortheast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA)BostonMarch
Energy, Buildings & TechNortheast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA) Building Energy NYCNortheast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA)New YorkOctober
Energy, Buildings & TechRE+Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA), The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) - learn more about the WRISE Rising Solar Power Fellowship hereVariesSeptember
Energy, Buildings & TechSolar and Storage Finance USASolar MediaNew YorkOctober
Energy, Buildings & TechThe Association of Energy Services Professionals (AESP) Annual ConferenceThe Association of Energy Services Professionals (AESP)VariesFebruary
Energy, Buildings & TechUrban Land Institute (ULI) Spring & Fall MeetingsUrban Land Institute (ULI)VariesMay & October
Energy, Buildings & TechVERGETrellis (GreenBiz) - learn more about the Trellis Emerging Leaders program hereSan JoseOctober
Energy, Buildings & TechNet Zero ConferenceVerdical GroupAnaheimSeptember
Energy, Buildings & TechBehavior, Energy & Climate Change ConferenceMultiple groups including the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE)SacramentoNovember
ESG & Sustainable FinanceGlobal Impact Investing Network (GIIN) Impact ForumThe Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN)VariesOctober
ESG & Sustainable FinanceGreenFinTrellis (GreenBiz) - learn more about the Trellis Emerging Leaders program hereNew YorkJune
ESG & Sustainable FinancePRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) in PersonPRIVariesOctober
ESG & Sustainable FinanceSOCAPSOCAP Global, Sorenson Impact InstituteOctober
ESG & Sustainable FinanceSustainable Investment Forum North AmericaClimate ActionNew YorkSeptember
ESG & Sustainable FinanceUS SIF (US Sustainable Investment Forum)US SIFChicagoJune
Life Cycle AssessmentAmerican Center for Lifecycle Assessment (ACLCA) ConferenceAmerican Center for Lifecycle Assessment (ACLCA)VariesSeptember
Materials & PackagingCascale Annual MeetingCascale (Formerly Sustainable Apparel Coalition)VariesVaries
Materials & PackagingGlobal Pouch ForumPackaging StrategiesClearwater, FLJune
Materials & PackagingNational Plastics Exhibition (NPE)Plastics Industry AssociationVariesMay
Materials & PackagingProduct Stewardship Conference: PSXProduct Stewardship SocietyDenverOctober
Materials & PackagingSustainable Packaging CoalitionSustainable Packaging CoalitionMultipleMultiple
Policy & ActivismBloomberg Green FestivalBloombergSeattleApril
Policy & ActivismCitizens Climate Lobby Conference & Lobby DayCitizens Climate LobbyWashington DCJuly
Policy & ActivismEngage for Good ConferenceEngage For GoodVariesMay
Policy & ActivismUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP)UNFCCC - learn more about the COP29 volunteer program hereVariesNovember
Policy & ActivismClimate & Social Justice SummitEthical AssemblyLisbonOctober
Policy & ActivismUS Climate Action SummitClimate GroupWashington DCApril
Student CenteredClimateCAP MBA SummitClimateCAPVariesFebruary
Student CenteredDuke Energy WeekDuke UniversityDurhamNovember
Student CenteredFuture Leaders Climate SummitApen Institute Future Leaders InitiativeMiami BeachMarch
Student CenteredNet Impact Annual ConferenceNet ImpactVariesFebruary
Student CenteredNet Impact Case CompetitionNet ImpactVariesFebruary
Sustainable Business & LeadershipCeres GlobalCeresNew YorkMarch
Sustainable Business & LeadershipClimate Leadership ConferenceThe Climate RegistryVariesMay
Sustainable Business & LeadershipGreenBizTrellis (GreenBiz) - learn more about the Trellis Emerging Leaders program herePhoenixFebruary
Sustainable Business & LeadershipResponsible Business Alliance Annual ConferenceResponsible Business AllianceSan JoseNovember
Sustainable Business & LeadershipResponsible Business USAReutersNew YorkMarch
Sustainable Business & LeadershipSustainability USAReutersNew YorkOctober
Sustainable Business & LeadershipSDG SummitGlobal Compact Network USANew YorkSeptember
Sustainable Business & LeadershipSustainability Delivery SummitEnvironmental AnalystBostonJune
Sustainable Business & LeadershipNational Sustainability Society ConferenceNational Sustainability SocietyVariesOctober
Sustainable Business & LeadershipSustainable BrandsSustainable BrandsSan DiegoOctober
Sustainable Business & LeadershipThe Economist Sustainability Week USAThe EconomistNew YorkJune
Sustainable Business & LeadershipLeadership Now: Innovating for a Sustainable WorldUniversity at Buffalo School of Management in collaboration with the United Nations Department of Global CommunicationsBuffaloApril
WaterAmerican Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) Convention & ExpoAmerican Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE)VariesOctober
WaterAmerican Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) Tech SymposiumAmerican Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE), the Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE), the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), Plumbing Manufacturers International (PMI), World Plumbing Council (WPC)VariesSeptember
WaterWorld Water WeekStockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)Stockholm, SwedenAugust